CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot GLaDOS - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Hostage - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Headful of Eyeballs - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot GutsAndGlory! - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot CrySomeMore - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Nobody - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Aperture Science Prototype XR7 - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Saxton Hale - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Humans Are Weak - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot RageQuit - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot AimBot - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot C++ - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL. This is what happened after I entered mp_autobalance 0 and added more bots: CreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Dog - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot BeepBeepBoop - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Kaboom! - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot NotMe - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot AmNot - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot CreditToTeam - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot 0xDEADBEEF - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot BoomerBile - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot HI THERE - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Someone Else - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot SomeDude - CreateFakeClient() returned NULL.ĬreatePlayerBot: Unable to create bot Mann Co.

Idk, maybe instead of typing the max players allowed you could put it in when initially making the server, it worked for me.Originally posted by Magic Salad Cat:mp_autobalance 0 then add more bots Also, when I type maxplayers it shows the maxplayers is 2, and I can't change it while the server's running. Sometimes it works but it only spawns 2 bots and the rest stay in the spectator. Hope I helped ya I’ve tried this recently but it doens’t work. So all the bots are failing to spawn, except for one. Google search results: trwalkway bots not spawning Team Fortress 2.

'tr_walkway/botmaxconfig' not present not executing.ĭropped config_bot from server (Kicked from server) 'tr_walkway/cvars' not present not executing. Func_regenerate(resupply_red) has no associated model.įunc_regenerate(func_regenerate) has no associated model.įunc_regenerate(resupply_blu) has no associated model.Ĭannot verify load for invalid steam ID